Clear Creek - Think It Through
Take A Hike Through The Boise National Forest

See How Much You've Absorbed about Streams:

Why do you think it's important to know when you've caught a bull trout?

1. There are fewer and fewer bull trout left,
2. It's illegal.

If you fish, learn to tell a bull trout from other species of trout.

Streams have high flows and low flows. In the Boise National Forest, most streams reach their high flows in April or May. How come? When do you think the lowest flows are?

Which of the following can change the balance of a stream? How?

  • Wildfire
  • Grazing
  • Logging
  • Removing plants along the streambank

What do riparian areas do for a stream environment?

What is sediment? And how does it affect fish?

Hydrologists measure streams to check the water quality. What are some things they can measure in a stream?